January 22, 2025

Bible Quiz 2


#1. After the death of Moses, who did the Lord send to take lead the children of Israel into the promise land?

#2. Why do you think God took the children of Israel through the wilderness first, before taking them to the promise land?

#3. Which city did the Lord tell Joshua to compass seven times on the seventh day?

#4. In which book in the old testament would you see these words: “Fear not, be of good courage, for the Lord will be with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you.”

#5. Choose the correct lineage of David

#6. Who was the mother of Samuel?

#7. Why did she name him, Samuel?

#8. Who was the king of Israel before David?

#9. Who did God call ‘A man after his own heart?’

#10. Who succeeded king David?



Well done! You seem to know your bible. Come back for Old Testament Quiz 3.

Looks like someone needs to read their bible! It’s the greatest book to read. Go ahead and read it, then come back and take the quiz.